Frequently Asked Questions

What is RATEB?

R A T E B is online salary payment system for domestics helpers. We eliminate the hassle of dealing with cash payments through a smooth simple online process.

How does it work? How does my domestic helper receive the salary?

Once the salary has been paid, we send a notification to your recipient and credit their e-wallet account.

Once the salary has been paid, we send a notification to your recipient and credit their e-wallet account.

Yes a domestic helper must have a mobile phone to receive and withdraw her salary as well as to manage her RA T E B account. Additionally, the domestic helper must also have a valid working mobile number to receive SMS passwords.

Can I pay my domestic helpers’ salaries if I don’t download your app?

You can register an account and pay through our web site.

Are there any limits?

To protect accounts from misuse or fraud, limits are set on how much money you can pay a domestic helper, how much money can be kept in the domestic helper’s e-wallet account and how much money they can receive, transfer or withdraw during a specific period.